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Truck Driver Stimulants Lead to Tragic Consequences for South Carolina Motorists

Truck drivers are an integral part of our supply chain, and the majority of drivers are safe and cautious as they carry products across the country. But tight schedules and delivery deadlines often mean that drivers push themselves too far. To battle fatigue and exhaustion, some truck drivers turn to dangerous stimulants.

On average, large trucks are involved in fewer than 4% of all motor vehicle accidents – but when truck accidents do occur, they are three times more likely to be fatal. Truck drivers have a responsibility to protect other drivers on the road by traveling as safely as possible at all times. However, when they turn to stimulants to stay awake, they are failing to uphold that responsibility and instead put other drivers at risk. 

Common stimulants used by truck drivers include blackmarket prescription drugs including amphetamines and opioids, as well as cocaine and other dangerous substances. These drugs can impair a driver’s reflexes, judgement, and focus, causing serious accidents. In fact, a study published by the National Institute of Health (NIH) found that truck drivers on stimulants have a 78% greater chance of committing an unsafe driving action.

Those unsafe driving actions can lead to crashes with innocent South Carolina motorists. Such accidents can leave drivers with serious injuries that can have lasting consequences. They can also be fatal. 

When an innocent motorist is injured, they are often left with mounting medical bills, lost wages, and long-term rehabilitation costs. Sometimes they are left permanently disabled or seriously scarred. In these situations, it is vital that the accident victim receives fair compensation to help cover the financial and emotional costs of the crash. 

The trucking company’s insurance company will do everything they can to limit their financial responsibility, encouraging the accident victim to settle for an inadequate amount. Many people accept those low amounts, believing they have no other choice. This is not the case. A truck accident lawyer fights to get victims fair compensation, pushing back against insurance companies. 

Hiring a personal injury attorney means having someone in your corner. This is extremely vital, because the other side’s insurance company has lawyers to combat your claim. Our team of attorneys and legal professionals care about our you and will fight for the best possible result following a traumatic accident. 

The personal injury lawyers at McWhirter, Bellinger & Associates have been fighting for victims of truck accidents for more than 40 years. We understand South Carolina law and can anticipate what the other side will try to do in order to avoid paying out a fair sum. We have a great reputation across South Carolina, and we fight hard for our clients by doing our research and compiling the strongest case possible. 

If you or a loved one have been injured due to a truck driver’s recklessness or negligence on a South Carolina roadway, we would love to provide you with a free case evaluation. We have offices across the Midlands of South Carolina, in AikenCamden, Columbia, Lexington, Newberry, Orangeburg, and Sumter

Call us today at 803-590-9197. It won’t cost you anything to see if we can help.®